The Webb County Bail Bond Board is responsible for licensing and regulating Bail Bond companies operating in
Webb County, in accordance with the Texas Occupations Code
Chapter 1704, Regulation of Bail Bond Sureties.
Surety Companies must be licensed in Webb County before they can secure
bail for any person incarcerated in a Webb County detention facility.
Should you have any questions regarding the Webb County Bail Bond Board
or wish to obtain information on becoming a Webb County licensed surety
company, please visit the
forms link on the
left hand navigation menu.
Bail Bond Board
Meetings will be held virtually until further notice
In accordance with Executive Order No. GA-08, signed by Governor Greg Abbott on March 19, 2020 at 11:59 a.m., no more than 10 people may be in one single room. Therefore, the public will only be able to attend the meeting virtually.
The public may access the meeting here LINK or by clicking on the button in the left hand side menu Live Stream Meeting.
Additionally, the Governor granted a request by the Texas Attorney General to waive certain requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with the waiver, the public may make comments virtually. They may sign up to speak no later than 5pm the day before the Board meeting by emailing
Enedelia Romo, Bail Bond Board Administrator at
You will receive an email confirmation that will include meeting information and instructions for when it is your time to speak.
Agendas may be obtained in advance of the court meeting by clicking on the
Agendas and Minutes on the left hand side of the navigation menu.