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406th Judicial District Court’s
Public Access Notice

Informacion En Espanol

Today’s Civil and/or Criminal Court Dockets will be accessible for public viewing in the courtroom.

Our court is currently holding hybrid hearings. Counselors and litigants may appear in person, or virtually via Zoom, by contacting the court’s civil, family or criminal court coordinators via telephone or e-mail to request a hearing setting, for guidance, or for any other information. If participating via Zoom, only attorneys, litigants and witnesses may access the hearings at the scheduled date and time by logging in with the meeting ID number which will be provided prior to the hearing.

All counsel and participating litigants are reminded that proper court decorum and dress code must be observed during all in-person and Zoom court sessions, as per the Remote Hearing Instructions and Etiquette Guide for Court Participants below. Please watch the following video for important information on appropriate conduct and decorum of counsel, litigants and other parties in the courtroom.

As per Rule 10.11(A) & (B) of the Local Rules of the Courts of Webb County, attorneys shall wear attire that is befitting their positions as officers of the court and exhibit a professional behavior and demeanor to conform with the Lawyer’s creed


A.   Attire: all counsel coming before the courts of Webb County, Texas shall wear attire that is befitting their positions as officers of the court.

B.   Professionalism: An attorney’s behavior and actions should conform to the Texas Lawyer’s Creed – A Mandate for Professionalism as promulgated by the Supreme Court of Texas and the Court of Criminal Appeals as was adopted on the 7th day of November 1989 and may be amended from time to time.

Remote Hearing Instructions and Etiquette Guide for Court Participants

1) Prior to the scheduled hearing date and time, check your equipment to make sure your phone or device functions properly.

2) Join the Zoom session at least 5 minutes before your hearing time.

3) As you join the meeting, type your full name so the Court can correctly identify you when calling your case.

4) Address the Court with respect.

5) Do not speak over the Court or other individuals. Only one person should speak at any given time to allow the Court Reporter to take down the record properly. When you are asked to speak, announce yourself by name (“This is John Smith,” and “I would like to say…”).

Law Enforcement Officers wishing to submit arrest or search warrants for the Judge’s review may set an appointment by calling Chief Administrative Bailiff, Eduardo “Wayo” Ruiz, at (956) 701-7803.

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