Webb County Graphic Banner and County Seal

Pre-Trial Services
1110 Victoria St. Suite 501
Laredo, Texas 78040
Phone: 956-523-4988
Fax: 956-523-5090
Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays
  • Lady Justice
  • Hands on jail cell

The Webb County Pre-Trial Services provide community safety through structured supervision of defendants while on pre-trial status; provide a means of release of eligible persons held in custody with a personal bond, sureties, magistrate and judges orders as condition of release; contribute to the on-going collaborative efforts of jail population management; and address cost recovery where viable.

- Pre-Trial Interview
- GPS Monitoring  
- Out/In-patient Substance Abuse Referrals
- Special Supervision - Regular Supervision
- Indigent Court Appointed Attorneys  
        Texas Fair Defense Act
        Webb County Applications / Affidavit
        Request to remain on the Criminal Court Appointment List
        Attorney Fee Voucher
        Exemption Form
        Webb County Fee Schedule
        Attorney Reporting Instructions and Form
- Central Magistrations
- Webb County Indigent Defense Plan(s)  
        (A) Felony & Misdemeanor Plan
        (B) Juvenile Plan     

Major Credit/Debit Cards accepted for bond releases.  A 3% service fee will apply to the charge.  No credit/debit card payments will be accept over the phone.

Webb County & Texas State Image, Footer
Webb County Orange with Blue outline & Texas State Image, Footer