In December 2011, Texas received approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for a waiver to upcoming changes in federal support for state Medicaid programs. Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) applied for the waiver, at the direction of the Texas Legislature, to identify innovative, state-based solutions to Texas’ health care needs.
Under the Texas Transformation and Quality Improvement Program 1115 Waiver, communities and hospitals will form regional healthcare partnerships that support more localized health care solutions. The partnerships will identify ways to improve health services that address the specific needs of their region in order to qualify for incentive payments.
RHP 20 Plan - Final Submission: March 8, 2013
In accordance with the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program (1115 Medicaid Waiver) below is a link to the proposed Regional Healthcare Partnership (RHP) 20 Pass 3 DSRIP projects. The proposed three year DSRIP projects will be submitted to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission by October 31, 2013. Public comments regarding the proposed projects will be accepted via email at from October 15, 2013 thru October 25, 2013.
Pass 3 DSRIP Projects
In January 2018, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved renewal of the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program, commonly referred to as the 1115 Medicaid Waiver. As part of the renewal, the Delivery Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) has transitioned from a program focused on project-level reporting and outcomes to a program that is now focused on activities at the provider-system level with more emphasis placed on improvement of system and regional level health outcomes to address community needs. As a result of this DSRIP transition, new rules and protocols have been developed for demonstration years 7 and 8 (DY7-8), and all regional healthcare partnerships are required to submit regional plans to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and CMS.
The plan update process included every DSRIP provider completing a provider plan template. Every Anchor Team has also completed a template that documents participation by those providers only receiving uncompensated care funds in the region, as well as outlines the process for updating community needs, updating learning collaborative plans and engaging stakeholders.
Public Hearing Notice 06-25-2018 – Webb County, as Anchor for RHP20, will be hosting a public hearing on Monday, June 25, 2018 at the Webb County Courthouse, County Commissioner’s Courtroom, 2nd floor, 1000 Houston Street, Laredo, Texas to provide stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to review the RHP20 Plan Update that was submitted to the Texas Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC) as well as the responses submitted by Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) performing providers to HHSC’s initial review comments. The documents linked below will be discussed and reviewed with the public and stakeholders.
RHP 20 Community Needs Assessment Update – As part of the DY6 DSRIP requirements, and in preparation for the next phase of the waiver, Regional Healthcare Partnerships are required to update their Community Needs Assessments.
RHP20 Plan Update – This template includes every DSRIP provider who completed and submitted a provider plan template.
Individual Provider Plan Update templates
Border Region Behavioral Health Plan Update
City of Laredo Health Department Plan Update
Doctors Hospital of Laredo Plan Update
Laredo Medical Center Plan Update
Maverick County Hospital District Plan Update
RHP 20 - Provider response to HHSC comments – This template includes responses from all providers to HHSC’s initial comments to the RHP20 Plan Update submitted.
The public and stakeholders are encouraged to submit comments via mail at Webb County Health Services, Attn: RHP20 Anchor staff, 1620 Santa Ursula Ave, Laredo, TX 78040 or via email at
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