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Law Library
1110 Victoria St. Suite 105
Laredo, Texas 78040
Phone: 956-523-4267
Fax: 956-523-5025
Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays
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American Jurisprudence-Proof of Facts 3d (West)

American Jurisprudence-Trials (west)

Bankruptcy Code & Rules 2004 Ed. (West)

Bender’s Federal Practice Forms (Matthew Bender)

Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. U.S. Law Week –Supreme Ct. 7/76 -3/02(BNA)

Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. U.S. Law Week-General Law 7/76 – 3/02(BNA)

Criminal Law Reporter 10/92 – 6/99(West)

Eighth Decennial Digest (1966-1976)(West)

Erisman’s Reversible Errors in Federal Criminal Cases(McColl & McColloch)

Federal Appendix * (West)

Federal Civil Judicial Procedure & Rules 2003 Ed.(West)

Federal Criminal Code & Rules 2004 Ed.(West)

Federal Digest 3rd (West)

Federal Digest 4th (West)       

Federal Jury Practice & Instructions (West)

Federal Rules-Civil Trials - O’Connors 2002-2003 Ed. (Jones McClure)

Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual 2003 Ed. (West)

Federal Sentencing Law & Practice 2002 Ed (West)

General Digest Sixth Series (1981-1986)

General Digest Seventh Series (1986-1991)

General Digest Eighth Series (1991-1992)

Guideline Grapevine

Model Civil Jury Instructions –Eighth Cir. 2001(West)

Model Criminal Jury Instructions-Eighth Cir. 2000 (West)

Model Criminal Jury Instructions-Ninth Cir.,2001(West)

Model Criminal Jury Instructions-Eleventh Cir. 2000(West)

Pattern Jury Instructions Criminal-First Circuit-2001

Pattern Jury Instructions Criminal- Seventh Cir.- 1999

Pattern Jury Instructions -Civil Fifth Cir. 1999

Shepard’s Federal Case Name Citator 5th Circuit

Shepard’s United States Case Name Citator 

United States Code Annotated (West)


* Many other legal materials may be found through our online subscription. Check Library for particular materials.

Note: The forms available at the library are intended for use by licensed Texas attorneys. They are not intended for use by the general public because they may involve complex legal issues requiring an attorney's expertise. Use at your own risk.

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Webb County Orange with Blue outline & Texas State Image, Footer