City of Laredo |
State of Texas |
Texas Association of Counties |
United Independent School District |
Laredo Independent School District |
Texas A&M International University |
Laredo Community Collage |
Laredo Convention and Visitors' Bureau |
Washington Birthday Celebration Association |
Webb County Appraisal District |
Laredo Morning Times |
Pro 8 News |
“SAVNS” is an acronym for Statewide Automated Victim
Notification Service and is a statewide service that is funded
through a legislative appropriation to the Office of the
Attorney General. “VINE” is an acronym for Victim Information
and Notification Everyday. SAVNS/VINE is a telephone service
that allows victims to learn about the custody status and court
proceedings involving an offender after booking into a county
jail. Victims obtain free telephone and email notifications by
registering through a toll-free number or the internet. The
service is open to the general public and requires only
that an individual provide an inmate’s full name or
jail-assigned identification number to receive notifications.
The toll-free SAVNS/VINE registration number is 877-TX4-VINE