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Medical Examiner
P.O. Box 2353
Laredo, Texas 78044
Phone: 956-523-4980
Fax: 956-722-7798
Administration Open Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Autopsy and Investigative Services 24/7 including holidays
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Laredo International Airport 2016 Training Exercise 

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Celebrate Life Ceremony for Organ and Tissue Donation 

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Laredo International Airport Exercise 2010 
On October 20, 2010, the Webb County Medical Examiner participated in the Laredo International Airport Exercise alongside many other local, state and federal agencies. The mock crash helped train and prepare responders in the event that there is an aircraft mishap at the airport.

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Laredo International Airport Exercise 2013 
On September 10, 2013, the Webb County Medical Examiner’s Office participated in a mock disaster at the Laredo International Airport along with a host of law enforcement, fire, medical and other agencies. The drill was designed to give hands on experience to responders in the event of an airplane crash or other event at the airport. This drill created a scenario in which explosive devices were aboard an aircraft that had landed at the airport.

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 

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Webb County & Texas State Image, Footer
Webb County Orange with Blue outline & Texas State Image, Footer