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Planning Department
1110 Washington St. Suite 302
Laredo, Texas 78040
Phone: 956-523-4100
Fax: 956-523-5008
Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays
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E-911 Address Letter Application
Fees No Fee
Documents Required Original Application
Ownership Document (Deed / Tax Rec)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Determination Application
(Required prior to any other application)
Fees Residential / Non-Residential: $30.00 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Commercial: $100.00 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Floodplain Development Application
Fees Residential / Non-Residential: $50.00 per structure/development (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Commercial: $200.00 per structure/development (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Compliance Notice (DCN)
Water/Sewer Permit Application
Residential / Non-Residential: $30.00 (each meter) (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Compliance Notice (DCN)
Exemption Permit
On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Application
OSSF Transfer Application
Pre-existing Septic System Application
Fees Residential: $310.00 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Institutional / Commercial: $410.00 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application Packet: Installer info, Site Evaluation, OSSF Design & Materials
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Compliance Notice (DCN)
Exemption Permit
Decommission Application
Decommission Application (without connection)
Fees $50 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Compliance Notice (DCN)
Exemption Permit
Water & sewer confirmation or OSSF License #
Certificate of Compliance Application
Fees Residential / Non-Residential: $30.00 (each meter) (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Commercial: $100.00 (each meter) (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Compliance Notice (DCN)
Exemption Permit
Garbage Disposal Contract
Water & sewer confirmation or OSSF License #
Junk Yard Development Application
Fees JY Development: 100.00 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
JY Lic Application & Renewals: $25.00 (money order/cashier’s check/in-person credit card payment)
Documents Required Original Application
Recorded Ownership (Deed, Lease Agreement, etc.)
Copy of ID / DL
Development Compliance Notice (DCN)
Exemption Permit
Garbage Disposal Contract
Copy of TCEQ
Copy of TDLR Licenses
All applications must be signed appropriately and the original should be returned to our office. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Webb County & Texas State Image, Footer
Webb County Orange with Blue outline & Texas State Image, Footer