Ricardo Molina Sr. Community Center
1600 Orquidia Lane
Rio Bravo, Texas 78046
Phone: (956)-523-4865
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays
The Ricardo Molina Sr. Community Center is one of four community centers in Pct. 1 that is under the direction of Commissioner Jesse Gonzalez and the Webb County Commissioner’s Court.
Our community center is a place where families can come for assistance with many different services. One service is utilities such as light through the Community Action Agency. BANC provides the elderly (60yrs & over) with a hot meal Monday through Friday. They also enjoy the company of one another and find entertainment in playing Loteria and engaging in Arts & Crafts. Once a month, the Food Bank is at the center distributing out food bags and registering qualifying residents (60Yrs & over) for their program. Also Food Bank every third Thursday of every month distributed Vegetables and Fruit to the community. (registration is required for only one person per address) We also provide hot meals provided by the Kids Café program Monday through Friday for children of ages 3 through 17.
Our center is also equipped with a technology lab that has 10 computers to assist residents of all ages with research on the internet, writing papers, and for job searching. There are many events that take place here at the Ricardo Molina Sr. Community Center. Different providers host meetings for the residents in this area for the purpose to become aware of the services that they provide. Please feel free to come by the center anytime and ask what events are taking place. We are here to help you in the best way possible. With your help we can continue to provide these exceptional services and bring many more to your reach.
With our most Sincere Gratitude,
Maria Rodriguez
Ricardo Molina Sr. Community Center -Director