What is the timeline of the program?
You have from October 1 to July 31 to complete the tasks and your wellness days must be used during that fiscal year.
What are Wellness Days?
They are additional annual leave days/ personal days and they must be taken in increments of 8 hours.
What are the health station kiosks/ do we have them?
We are in the process of receiving them, but we will send out an email once they are up and running. They will be placed across the county like in Billy Hall, the Justice Center, road and bridge.
Do I have to get my tasks done at the clinic?
Yes, but if you have already done them they will be accepted this year only. For the coming years, everything should be done at the clinic.
How do we show proof of tasks?
We just need documentation saying you had the following task done on the specific date, you can block out personal information if you would like, and upload to the jot forms portal.
Do we need to take time off to do the wellness tasks?
Consult your supervisor or director, you shouldn’t have to clock out, you will receive a slip from the clinic with your time in and out. (Shouldn’t take more than 2 hours)